<Daily problems>
It’s easy to get into the habit of speaking and writing in English through daily practice.
<American Teachers>
All Trek Teachers are native speakers of American English with professional experience working at modern American companies.
<A dedicated app for smartphones + PC browser support>
Use Trek anywhere, anytime.
<No reservations>
You can use Trek on the train, at lunch, and whenever you have a spare moment, making it easy for even the busiest people to master English.
<Personalized feedback>
If you turn in a day’s problem by 1 pm, you’ll receive feedback by the end of the day.
<Follow-up questions>
Ask up to 3 follow-up questions per problem. Repost audio and practice your pronunciation.
<Corrections and feedback for both writing and pronunciation>
Improve your grammar, learn new vocabulary, and perfect your pronunciation.
<Sample answers for each problem written and checked by business professionals>
Check both the writing and the audio for an example of a native’s pronunciation.
<All answer and problem data is saved to your account>
Review old problems to master important phrases.
※ Themes and topics so that you always know what to talk and write about.