<How to sign up>

Setting page

  1. Go to your [Settings] page.
  2. Tap the [Premium] tab.
  3. Tap All plans.
  4. Tap "Yearly Plan" or "Monthly Plan".
  5. Tap [Free Trial].

AI monga answer

  1. Post your question.
  2. When the number of free uses of the AI monga answer function is exceeded, a message will appear stating that you have reached your limit, and tap [Free Trial].
  3. Tap All plans.
  4. Tap "Yearly Plan" or "Monthly Plan".
  5. Tap [Free Trial].

HiNative AI chat page (Available only on iOS)

  1. Go to the [HiNative AI chat] (Search) page.
  2. If you post more than two questions within 24 hours, a message will appear stating that you have reached your limit, and tap [Free Trial].
  3. Tap All plans.
  4. Tap "Yearly Plan" or "Monthly Plan".
  5. Tap [Free Trial].

Please note that if you have experienced a Premium free trial in the past, you will not be able to try Premium Pro for free and will be charged immediately.

※  If you are currently subscribing to Premium on Android and the Web, you cannot change it to Premium Pro.  Please contact Customer Support for the details.