The Country Question question template is for questions about different countries and regions around the world. It's the perfect template to use to learn about other users' cultures, get recommendations about an area before you visit, and ask any questions that aren't language related.
<Ask country questions>
- Tap or Click the [Ask] button on the bottom of your screen.
- Scroll down and select the [Ask about a country or region] or [Ask a question about a country or region] option.
- Select the country or region you want to ask about, write your question, and post it.
<Add and remove interest countries>
- Go to your [Profile] page.
- Tap or Clikc [Edit].
- Go to"+ Countries and regions of interest" to add a new one.
- Swipe left on a country and tap or click the red "x" to remove it.
(You must have at least one country of interest.) - Tap or Click [OK] to save the changes.
<View questions about countries>
- On your [Home] screen after you've added at least one country of interest, swipe right until you see question feeds with titles written in blue.
- Tap or Click the country or region you wish to view questions about.