You may block or report users who do not abide by our live streaming guidelines.
Streamers :
- Tap a listener's comment and their profile will show up
- Tap (...)
- Tap [Block] or [Report]
Listeners :
- Tap a streamer's profile or a listener's comment and their profile will show up
- Tap (...)
- Tap [Block] or [Report]
- Tap or Click [Settings]
- Tap or Click [My account]
- Tap or Click [Blocked users]
- Tap or Click [Unblock]
- When a streamer blocks listeners, their live stream comments are hidden and the listeners will leave the stream. In addition, they will not be able to view each other's questions and answers.
- When a listener blocks a streamer, the listener will leave the stream, and they will not be able to view each other's questions and answers.
- When a listener blocks other listeners, their live stream comments are hidden. In addition, they will not be able to view each other's questions and answers.