You can search through questions posted on HiNative to find out more about words of interest and slang, for example.
You may search for all languages on iOS/Android.
You may search only if you have it registered in your native language or interest language on the Web version.

<How to search>


  1. Tap the search button located along the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select a template and type in the term you want to search or type in the term directly into the comment field.

※ HiNative AI chat feature provides AI answers in addition to displaying search results. For more information on HiNative AI chat, please see here.


  1. Tap the search button located along the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the language you want to search
  3. Type in the term you would like to search


Located at the top of most other pages, you will find a search bar.
  1. Select the language you want to search
  2. Type in the term you would like to search
  3. Press the search button