HiNative is a Q&A platform for language learners. You can ask questions about the languages you're learning and answer questions about your own native language. It's a friendly, give and take community of language learners and people interested in different cultures!
You can also join our live streams and learn languages and cultures. See here for the details.
<Ask questions>
- Tap or Click the [Ask] button on your screen and then select the type of question you want to ask.
- Select a language to ask about, type in your question, and tap [Post] on your screen.
- You can also add pictures and voice recordings to questions via the icons at the bottom of your screen!
<Answer questions>
- Browse the question feeds until you find a question you know the answer to.
- Tap or Click a question to open it, and type your answer into the text area at the bottom of your screen.
- Tap or Click the orange arrow to post your answer.
- You can upload pictures and voice recordings to answers too! Tap or Click the (+) icon above your keyboard to open up the options menu.
<Add languages>
If you want to learn about more languages than the ones registered to your account, you'll need to add them first.
- To add more languages, tap or click [Edit] next to your profile picture on your profile page.
- Scroll down to your "Languages of interested" and tap or click [Add language you are interested in].
- Once you've added a new language, make sure to tap [OK] for the app, click [Save changes] for the web browser in the top right of your screen to save the changes.